My name is Margaret Amu, aka Her Royal Poshness.
I am a UK trained Beautician and a certified MakeUp Artist from the top rated American Makeup Academy – QC Academy.
A graduate of Bachelor of Arts in English and Literary Studies, I have been in the beauty industry for many years, working with top Make-up companies among which is the prestigious Mary Kay Ash. My experience also spans across Customer Relations, Administration and Protocol for many years in the United Kingdom.
Despite of all these achievements, I allowed myself to be put under pressure. I lived my life based on the expectations of others and put certain areas of my life on hold because I was waiting for Mr Right.
I truly believed something was wrong with me – I thought I was cursed.
I have gone through experiences that I believe no other matured single woman should go through.
Does my history sound like yours? Well, there is hope.
At a point I decided enough is enough and that it was time to live my life.
- I now know who I am, and do not allow anyone put me under pressure.
- I live my life for me and not based on other people’s expectations of me.
- I love and treat myself well – I accept, appreciate, celebrate and love myself.
- I am at peace with myself – I know that there is nothing wrong with me. I am not cursed.
- I am in charge and in control of my life.
- I do the things that make me happy – I no longer put my life on hold.
Currently, I am on a mission to help Mature Single Ladies discover who they really are, so they can feel good about themselves and show up powerfully, radiate confidence and create positive impact, influence and wealth.
I am in a great place now and I am helping women like me cast off the pressures of society and family; and start living their best lives.